Best French lessons on Youtube – no-nonsense review

YouTube is full of useless videos made to waste your time. However, if you want to learn French, it’s an absolute goldmine of high-quality video content of all kinds and levels. Many world-class teachers offer hundreds of lessons and even full courses on Youtube for free. But how do you select the right one? That’s what I’m going to help you figure out in this article. We’ll look at some of the best French YouTube channels and determine which ones you should use and which to avoid.

Sidenote: If you’d like to supplement your learning with an app, check out this detailed review of the best apps to learn French.

Best French courses on Youtube by category

If you don’t have time for details, below I’ve listed the YouTube courses I recommend starting with, based on level and preferences. Any of these will help you build your skills progressively through a series of video lessons.

A note on terminology: Instructional courses explain language concepts explicitly, using rules and examples. Immersive courses surround you with French, allowing you to instinctively figure out what’s going on, usually through stories or conversations. Audio courses are essentially podcasts.

Best French channels on Youtube

There are two main types of YouTube channels: those that offer cohesive courses, guiding you from one proficiency level to the next or focusing on specific aspects of the language, like pronunciation or grammar; and those with unrelated videos on various topics. The first type is much more useful for most learners, because as a learner you just don’t know what to study next, you need a clear roadmap.

Another key difference among channels is the amount of English used in their videos. Some are very beginner-friendly, with content mostly in English, while others are fully in French, requiring a certain level of proficiency to be able to understand them.

I’ve organized the channels based on these criteria: the easier and more structured the lessons are, the higher the channel is on the list, and vice versa.

A note on premium courses: You’ll see that many channels offer additional paid courses. Typically they are supplemented by written materials and exercises, which cover the main drawback of video lessons – they lack interactivity and don’t provide enough practice. This gap can also be filled with apps.

Learn French with Alexa

Learn French with Alexa is a popular YouTube channel created by Alexa Polidoro, a native French teacher with decades of experience. The channel offers a number of playlists/courses for beginners and early intermediate learners, with a wide range of lessons that cover vocabulary, grammar, and more advanced topics in a fun and approachable way. In addition to the free videos, Alexa also provides premium courses through her website.


The perfect French with Dylane

The Perfect French with Dylane is a YouTube channel run by French teacher and author Dylane Moreau. It features hundreds of French lessons for beginner and intermediate learners, including several specialized courses on grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Dylane’s videos are very thorough, especially when it comes to explaining grammar, however they can feel a bit dry.

In addition to videos, each course has a textbook with exercises, which you can buy for a modest amount of money if you want to practice your new skills, but it’s optional. You can see the full list of courses and supplementary materials on Dylane’s site.


Learn French with Vincent

Learn French with Vincent is one of the oldest French learning channels on YouTube. Vincent Lefrançois, a native French speaker and experienced teacher, created a huge number of lessons that cover everything from basic vocabulary and grammar to advanced topics. His teaching style is serious, thorough, and graphic, making complex concepts easier to grasp (as long as you have the patience). The channel is related to the French4me platform, where learners can buy access to premium courses, e-books, and quizzes.



FrenchPod101 is a popular language platform primarily aimed at early-level French learners. It offers a wide range of video lessons covering essential vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. The videos are well produced and feature different hosts, so teaching style also varies. In addition to the free lessons, FrenchPod101 has a learning app with premium access to all courses and extra features like flashcards and quizzes. It might not be the best app out there, but it does enhance the learning experience.


Coffee Break French

Coffee Break French is a popular podcast that offers easily digestible lessons designed to fit into a coffee break. Its Youtube channel has two types of videos: one is a series of audio lessons that make up a complete learning course, with no visuals; the other features two hosts discussing various topics in the studio. The videos are mostly in English, so anybody will be able to understand them.

For those looking to deepen their learning, Coffee Break French offers premium courses, including bonus audio materials, video episodes, and lesson notes. Although, the price is quite steep.


Comme une Française

Comme une Française is a fairly popular channel run by French teacher Géraldine Lepère. She creates different types of videos, most of which provide small tips and tricks to help you improve your French. Géraldine’s content is primarily targeted at beginners and intermediate learners, teaching practical, conversational French used by natives and touching on French culture and history.

The YouTube channel doesn’t offer any complete courses, but there are several paid courses available on the official website. The prices are quite steep, but if you enjoy Géraldine’s teaching style, it might be worth the investment.

Français avec Pierre

Français avec Pierre is a popular channel hosted by Pierre and Noemi, experienced French teachers who focus on helping learners of all levels improve their French through immersive lessons. The channel features hundreds of videos that cover a wide range of topics, including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and cultural insights. Their teaching style is both academic and fun, making complex concepts accessible and enjoyable. The videos are entirely in French, with captions in several languages to help you follow along. In addition to the free content on YouTube, Français avec Pierre offers a number of paid courses.


Français Authentique

Français Authentique is a well-known YouTube channel that helps learners improve their French through a natural, immersive approach. The content is entirely in French and is best suited for those who already have some foundational knowledge. While the lessons aren’t part of a cohesive learning course, they cover many useful topics and can be a valuable tool in your language-learning toolkit. In addition to the free YouTube videos, Français Authentique offers premium courses through its website.


French mornings with Elisa

French Mornings with Elisa is a channel dedicated to helping intermediate learners improve their language skills. Hosted by Elisa, a native French speaker, the channel offers a wide array of content focused on practical, conversational French as it’s spoken by natives. Elisa’s videos are entirely in French and cover topics ranging from pronunciation and grammar to cultural insights and everyday expressions, all presented in a friendly and approachable manner.

There are no structured courses on the channel, however you can find a few premium courses on the French Mornings website. Be ready for high prices.

Français avec Fred

Français avec Fred is a channel hosted by a passionate French teacher with a deep love for the language. It’s designed for intermediate and advanced learners, with lessons presented entirely in slow, clear French. Fred’s teaching style is thorough and engaging, he covers everything from practical language tips to in-depth explorations of specific grammar topics.

The channel features playlists on grammar, vocabulary, history, and other subjects, though they don’t build into cohesive courses. If you’re looking for a clear roadmap to guide you from A2 to C1, check out Fred’s paid courses.


InnerFrench is another YouTube channel that started out as a podcast. It’s mainly designed to help intermediate French learners enhance their comprehension skills through immersion in the language, without relying on any English translations. The host, Hugo Cotton, speaks clearly and slightly slower than natural speed, making it easy to follow while still keeping things challenging. The channel’s content is split between podcast recordings and videos that cover all sorts of topics, from French culture to personal stories and interviews. Additionally, InnerFrench offers paid courses for those looking to take their French to the next level.

Piece of French

Piece of French is a channel created by Elsa, a native French speaker who offers an immersive way to learn the language. The channel is aimed at intermediate and advanced learners and provides an authentic look at everyday French life, mainly through vlogs, with occasional grammar or pronunciation lessons. Elsa’s content ranges from walking through the French countryside to attending events, all while integrating useful language tips and cultural insights. Her videos are entirely in French, but English subtitles are available to help you follow along.

Easy Languages

Easy Languages is a non-profit project aiming to help people learn languages through videos with authentic conversations. In each episode, the host chats with native French speakers on the street about a specific topic. There are subtitles in both French and English so regardless of your level, you will be able to hear, read and “see” the language in its local habitat.

While these videos aren’t a comprehensive course taking you from A to Z, they’re a great resource to add to your learning routine, helping you practice listening, discover new words, and get comfortable with the way natives speak. In addition to the main channel, there is also a secondary channel called Easy French.


French in Action

French in Action is a classic video course created at Yale University in the 1980s. It’s not exactly a Youtube channel, but it can be found on Youtube, as well as on various other platforms. It’s known for its immersive approach, teaching entirely in French through a storyline that follows the lives of two characters, Mireille and Robert. This method helps learners get accustomed to spoken French in context, without relying on English explanations. The course includes 52 video lessons, along with a supplementary textbook, workbook, and audiotapes, all designed to provide additional grammar and vocabulary practice.

While the course is beloved by many learners, it can feel a bit outdated and escalates in difficulty quickly. So even though it’s intended for beginners, it might be helpful to learn some basic vocabulary before starting.


French Comprehensible Input

French Comprehensible Input is a YouTube channel that helps people learn French in context without relying on translations. Teacher Lucas tells stories using simple language, gestures, and images, making them accessible to everyone, from beginners to advanced learners. If you have trouble understanding something, you can always turn on subtitles.


Alice Ayel

Alice Ayel is a French educator who teaches French through comprehensible input, which is a method that emphasizes understanding and intuition rather than memorization or traditional drills. On her channel, Alice tells stories accompanied by simple drawings, in slow, clear French to help learners absorb the language naturally. These lessons are best suited for beginners and early intermediate learners. If you find it difficult to follow along, try turning on subtitles. In addition to the free videos, Alice offers premium courses on her website.


Wandering French

Wandering French is another YouTube channel focused on providing comprehensible input, in this case in Quebec French. The host, Hélène, uses her extensive teaching background and love of travel to create bite-sized, French-only lessons that are engaging and easy to follow. Her videos are mostly aimed at learners that already know some French.


Video-based French apps

Youtube lessons are great, but they can be hard to use and they’re not interactive. One way to fix these shortcomings is by using apps.

The most popular video-based French apps are LingoPie and FluentU. They teach you the language through real French TV shows and movies with subtitles. If you’re on a budget, TV5Monde is a free alternative.

If you’re in Canada and want to learn Quebec French, check out Mauril. It’s a free app created by CBC/Radio-Canada to help people learn French through video clips from TV shows and news broadcasts.

Keep in mind that all these apps are geared towards people that already know some French. If you’d like to learn about apps that are more beginner-friendly, have a look at these reviews of all the best French apps and the best free apps.

Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to learn French from YouTube?
It is absolutely possible to learn French from YouTube. Many high-quality channels are dedicated to teaching French, offering lessons that range from beginner to advanced levels. These channels often provide structured courses, grammar explanations, vocabulary lessons, and immersive content like stories and cultural insights. While YouTube can be an effective tool, it’s important to complement your learning with other resources, such as apps and conversation practice, to develop all language skills fully.

Can you learn French by watching Netflix?
Watching Netflix can definitely improve your skills if you already have a strong base. By watching French-language shows and movies, you immerse yourself in the language, which helps improve listening skills, expand vocabulary, and get familiar with natural speech patterns. Using French subtitles can also reinforce your understanding by connecting spoken language with its written form. While Netflix is a great tool for language exposure, it’s most effective when combined with other learning methods like language courses and conversational practice to ensure a balanced development of all language skills.

Can I learn French online for free?
Yes, you can. There are numerous resources available, including YouTube channels, language learning apps, websites, and podcasts that offer free lessons covering everything from basic vocabulary to advanced grammar. Platforms like Duolingo, TV5Monde, and YouTube channels such as Coffee Break French and Learn French with Alexa provide comprehensive learning experiences at no cost. While these free resources can help you build a solid foundation in French, combining them with consistent practice and, if possible, interaction with native speakers will enhance your learning progress.

What is the fastest way to learn French?
The fastest way to learn French is through a combination of immersive techniques, consistent practice, and structured learning. Immersing yourself in the language by watching French movies, listening to French podcasts, and engaging in conversations with native speakers will accelerate your comprehension and speaking skills. Complement this with a structured course, either online or in-person, that focuses on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Apps like Lilata, Babbel, or Busuu can also help with daily practice. Consistency is key, so aim to practice a little bit every day, and try to integrate French into your daily routine as much as possible.

Wrapping up

YouTube is a powerful tool for learning French, offering a ton of channels that cater to different levels and learning preferences. Whether you’re looking for structured courses, immersive content, or specific language tips, there’s a channel out there for you. Remember to complement these videos with regular practice to improve your results. Choose the resources that best fit your needs, stay consistent, and enjoy the journey of mastering French. Happy learning!

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