Meaning of French je ne sais quoi in English

Something that’s hard to put into words

Ce tableau dégage un je ne sais quoi d’inexplicable. This painting has something indescribable about it.
Il y a un je ne sais quoi qui dérange ici. There’s something off about this place.
Son sourire a un je ne sais quoi d’inquiétant. Her smile has a slightly unsettling quality.
Ce vin a un je ne sais quoi de spécial. This wine has a subtle special touch.
Elle a un je ne sais quoi de spécial. She has something special about her.
Ce plat a un je ne sais quoi en plus. This dish has an extra something.

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More about je ne sais quoi

The French phrase je ne sais quoi translates literally to “I don’t know what” in English. But its real meaning is much more nuanced. It’s used to describe an indescribable quality — something special that’s hard to define but makes a person, thing, or situation stand out. In English, you might hear someone say, “She has a certain je ne sais quoi,” meaning she has an intriguing or unique charm that can’t quite be put into words.

This phrase is commonly used in English, often to describe beauty, charm, or style that defies explanation. For example, “His performance wasn’t technically perfect, but it had that je ne sais quoi that made it unforgettable.” It suggests an elusive, almost magical quality that adds to someone’s appeal.

One interesting thing about je ne sais quoi is that while it’s widely used in English, native French speakers don’t throw it around as much in everyday conversation. When they do, it’s often in a playful or exaggerated way. English speakers, on the other hand, love using it to add a touch of sophistication or mystery to a description.