Conjugation of the verb vouloir in French


To want
Vouloir is a common irregular French verb. It uses avoir as its auxiliary. Here’s a table showing how to conjugate vouloir in the past, future, and present tenses, and all moods.

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Je veux partir maintenant. I want to leave now.
Elle voulait un café chaud. She wanted a hot coffee.
Nous voulons rester ici. We want to stay here.
Ils voudront venir demain. They will want to come tomorrow.
Tu voudrais un dessert? Would you want a dessert?
J’ai voulu aider hier. I wanted to help yesterday.
Je doute qu’elle veuille y aller seule. I doubt she wants to go there alone.
Je voudrais réserver une table. I want to book a table.
Vous voulez sortir ce soir? Do you want to go out tonight?
Ils auraient voulu rester plus. They would have wanted to stay longer.