Conjugation of the verb venir in French


To come
Venir is a common irregular French verb. It uses être as its auxiliary, so in some cases, its form agrees with the subject. Here’s a table showing how to conjugate venir in the past, future, and present tenses, and all moods.

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Je viens tout de suite. I’m coming right away.
Ils sont venus hier soir. They came last night.
Quand viendras-tu nous voir? When will you come visit us?
Si j’étais toi, je viendrais. If I were you, I would come.
Nous venions souvent ici avant. We used to come here often.
J’espère qu’il viendra demain. I hope he will come tomorrow.
Pourquoi ne viens-tu pas? Why aren’t you coming?
Il faut que tu viennes! You have to come!
Tu aurais dû venir! You should have come!


Conjugation of the verb venir in French (chart)