Conjugation of the verb sentir in French


To smell, feel
Sentir is a common irregular French verb. It always uses avoir as its auxiliary. Here’s a table showing how to conjugate sentir in the past, future, and present tenses, and all moods.

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Je sens le café chaud. I smell the hot coffee.
Elle a senti la pluie arriver. She felt the rain coming.
Tu sentais la mer, non? You smelled the sea, right?
Nous sentirons la différence demain. We will feel the difference tomorrow.
Ils sentiraient mieux avec du repos. They would feel better with some rest.
Il faut que tu sentes ça! You must feel this!
Je me sentais mal hier soir. I felt sick last night.
Est-ce que tu sens ça? Do you smell that?
Vous sentirez bientôt les effets. You will feel the effects soon.
Si je sentais mieux, je viendrais. If I felt better, I would come.


Conjugation of the verb sentir in French (chart)