Conjugation of the verb rendre in French


To give back, return
Rendre is a regular French verb from the -re group. It uses avoir as its auxiliary. Here’s a table showing how to conjugate rendre in the past, future, and present tenses, and all moods.

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Je te rends ton livre demain. I will return your book tomorrow.
Il m’a rendu mon argent hier. He gave back my money yesterday.
Elle a rendu les clés à Paul. She returned the keys to Paul.
Tu me rendras ça plus tard. You will give back that later.
Je lui rendais ses affaires chaque soir. I returned his things every evening.
Nous te rendrons tout demain. We will return everything to you tomorrow.
Ils ont rendu la voiture en retard. They returned the car late.
Je veux que tu me rendes ça. I want you to give back that to me.
Je dois lui rendre son téléphone. I have to give back his phone.