Conjugation of the verb prendre in French


To take
Prendre is a common irregular French verb. It uses avoir as its auxiliary. Here’s a table showing how to conjugate prendre in the past, future, and present tenses, and all moods.

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Je prends toujours un café le matin. I always have a coffee in the morning.
Elle a pris le dernier morceau de gâteau. She took the last piece of cake.
Nous prenions souvent le bus ensemble. We often took the bus together.
Tu prendras quoi au déjeuner? What will you take for lunch?
Ils prendraient bien un dessert. They would take a dessert.
Il faut que je prenne un parapluie. I need to take an umbrella.
Pourquoi as-tu pris ce chemin? Why did you take this route?
On prenait toujours des photos en voyage. We always took photos when traveling.
Si tu veux, je te prends avec moi. If you want, I’ll take you with me.
Elle prendra sûrement le train. She will probably take the train.


Conjugation of the verb prendre in French (chart)