Conjugation of the verb partir in French


To leave
Partir is a common irregular French verb. It uses être as its auxiliary, so in some cases, its form agrees with the subject. Here’s a table showing how to conjugate partir in the past, future, and present tenses, and all moods.

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Je pars maintenant. I am leaving now.
Ils sont partis hier soir. They left last night.
Tu partais toujours trop tôt. You always left too early.
Elle partira demain matin. She will leave tomorrow morning.
Je partirais si je pouvais. I would leave if I could.
Nous partons en vacances. We are leaving on vacation.
Pourquoi es-tu parti si vite? Why did you leave so quickly?
Elles partaient chaque été. They left every summer.
Quand partiras-tu? When will you leave?