Conjugation of the verb faire in French


To do, make
Faire is a common irregular French verb. It uses avoir as its auxiliary. Here’s a table showing how to conjugate faire in the past, future, and present tenses, and all moods.

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Je fais toujours mon café noir. I always make my coffee black.
Hier, elle a fait un gâteau. Yesterday, she made a cake.
Nous faisions du sport ensemble. We used to do sports together.
Tu feras mieux la prochaine fois. You will do better next time.
Ils feraient ça s’ils avaient le temps. They would do that if they had time.
Qu’il le fasse, s’il ose! Let him do it, if he dares!
On fait souvent des erreurs. We often make mistakes.
Avez-vous déjà fait ce voyage? Have you ever taken this trip?
Ça fait longtemps qu’on ne s’est pas vus. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.


Conjugation of the verb faire in French (chart)