Conjugation of the verb avoir in French


To have
Avoir is a common irregular French verb and one of French’s two auxiliary verbs, along with être. Here’s a table showing how to conjugate avoir in the past, future, and present tenses, and all moods.

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J’ai toujours faim après le sport. I always get hungry after sports.
Nous avons oublié les clés chez toi. We forgot the keys at your place.
Tu avais raison depuis le début. You were right from the start.
Ils auront des nouvelles demain matin. They will have news tomorrow morning.
Si j’étais toi, j’aurais peur aussi. If I were you, I would be scared too.
Je doute qu’il ait raison. I doubt that he is right.
Nous avions peu de temps pour répondre. We had little time to respond.
Tu auras bientôt une bonne surprise. You will have a nice surprise soon.
Elle a eu une idée géniale. She had a great idea.
Si vous aviez plus de temps, vous viendriez. If you had more time, you would come.


Conjugation of the verb avoir in French (chart)