Conjugation of the verb aller in French


To go
Aller is a common irregular French verb. It uses être as its auxiliary, so in some cases, its form agrees with the subject. Here’s a table showing how to conjugate aller in the past, future, and present tenses, and all moods.

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Je vais au travail en bus. I go to work by bus.
Tu es allé voir ce film? Did you go see that movie?
On allait souvent à la plage. We went to the beach often.
Elle ira en Espagne cet été. She will go to Spain this summer.
Nous irions bien avec toi. We would go with you.
J’espère qu’il va mieux. I hope he’s getting better.
Vous allez faire quoi ce soir? What are you going to do tonight?
Ils vont bientôt partir. They are going to leave soon.
Si tu pouvais, tu irais où? If you could, where would you go?


Conjugation of the verb aller in French (chart)