Meaning of French on marche in English
We walk, we’re walking
More about on marche
On marche is a versatile French phrase that translates to different expressions in English depending on the context. Literally, it means “we walk,” but it’s often used in a broader sense to indicate movement, progress, or functioning. Depending on the situation, it can mean “we’re going,” “let’s go,” or even “it works.”
For example, if someone suggests an idea and another person replies ça marche or on marche, they mean “that works” or “we’re on board.” In a more literal sense, on marche can simply describe walking: On marche jusqu’à la gare — “We’re walking to the station.” But it can also express action or moving forward: On marche vers une solution — “We’re working toward a solution.”
Interestingly, the phrase has an informal and flexible use in French, similar to how English speakers might say “we’re moving” or “we’re getting somewhere.” It can also suggest a general way of operating, like in Ça marche comme ça — “That’s how it works.”