Meaning of French chez moi in English
Home, at my place
More about chez moi
Chez moi is a common French phrase that translates to “at my place” or “at home” in English. The word chez is used to indicate someone’s home or place, while moi means “me.”
However, chez moi doesn’t always refer to a literal house. It can also mean “where I belong” or “my home” in a broader sense. A French speaker might say La France, c’est chez moi to express that France is their true home, even if they currently live elsewhere.
The phrase can also be extended to other subjects, such as chez toi (“at your place”) or chez nous (“at our home” or even “in our country”). This flexibility makes chez a useful word when talking about locations tied to people. In English, we might say “over at [someone’s] place,” but in French, chez is the go-to choice.