Meaning of French moi aussi in English

Me too, so do I

Moi aussi, j’adore le chocolat. Me too, I love chocolate.
Tu es fatigué? Moi aussi! You’re tired? Me too!
Il a faim et moi aussi. He’s hungry, and so am I.
Moi aussi, j’ai adoré ce film. Me too, I loved this movie.

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More about moi aussi

Moi aussi is a common French phrase that translates to “me too” or “so do I” in English. It’s used to agree with someone or express that the same statement applies to you. If someone says J’aime le chocolat (I like chocolate), you can respond with Moi aussi to say you do too. In contrast, if you want to disagree, you’d say Moi non (not me).

Unlike English, where “me too” works in almost any situation, moi aussi has some grammatical restrictions. It applies when agreeing with affirmative sentences that use the same verb tense and structure. If the original sentence is negative — Je n’aime pas les maths (I don’t like math) — the correct response would be Moi non plus (neither do I), not moi aussi. Mixing these up can make a sentence sound unnatural to native speakers.