Meaning of French à la mer in English

By the sea

Nous avons loué une maison à la mer. We rented a house by the sea.
J’adore boire un café à la mer. I love having coffee by the sea.
À la mer, tout semble plus calme. By the sea, everything feels calmer.
Le restaurant est juste à la mer. The restaurant is right by the sea.
On a grandi à la mer, près des falaises. We grew up by the sea, near the cliffs.

To the sea

Nous allons bientôt à la mer. We are going to the sea soon.
Elle rêve d’aller à la mer cet été. She dreams of going to the sea this summer.
Pourquoi ne pas aller à la mer ce week-end? Why not go to the sea this weekend?
Je l’ai suivi directement à la mer. I followed him straight to the sea.
On devrait emmener les chiens à la mer. We should take the dogs to the sea.

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More about à la mer

The French phrase à la mer translates to “to the sea” or “by the sea” in English, depending on the context. It’s commonly used when talking about going to the seaside, spending time at the beach, or describing something located near the ocean.

For example, if someone says On va à la mer ce week-end, it means “We’re going to the sea this weekend.” This use emphasizes movement toward the coast. On the other hand, Je suis à la mer translates to “I am at the sea,” indicating presence at the location.

Unlike English, which often specifies “the beach” rather than “the sea,” French speakers frequently use à la mer even when referring to a sandy shore. However, if someone wants to emphasize the beach specifically, they might say à la plage instead. Both phrases are widely used, but à la mer has a broader meaning, encompassing not just the beach but the entire coastal experience.