Conjugation of the verb mettre in French


To put
Mettre is a common irregular French verb. It uses avoir as its auxiliary. Here’s a table showing how to conjugate mettre in the past, future, and present tenses, and all moods.

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Je mets la table maintenant. I set the table now.
Elle a mis son manteau. She put on her coat.
Nous mettions toujours la radio. We always put on the radio.
Tu mettras le livre ici. You will put the book here.
Je mettrais un pull s’il fait froid. I would put on a sweater if it’s cold.
Il faut que tu mettes ton casque. You must put on your helmet.
Vous mettrez ces papiers sur le bureau. You will put these papers on the desk.
Avez-vous mis les clés ici? Did you put the keys here?
Je mettais souvent ce chapeau. I often put on that hat.
Nous allons mettre de la musique. We are going to put on some music.