Conjugation of the verb lire in French


To read
Lire is a common irregular French verb. It uses avoir as its auxiliary. Here’s a table showing how to conjugate lire in the past, future, and present tenses, and all moods.

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Je lis un livre passionnant. I am reading an exciting book.
Tu as lu cet article? Did you read this article?
Il lisait tous les soirs. He used to read every night.
Nous lirons ensemble demain. We will read together tomorrow.
Vous liriez si vous aviez le temps. You would read if you had time.
Ils liraient plus avec des pauses. They would read more with breaks.
Que je lise ce texte rapidement. Let me read this text quickly.
Elle a déjà lu ce roman. She has already read this novel.
Lisons ensemble ce soir. Let’s read together tonight.
Pourquoi ne lis-tu pas plus? Why don’t you read more?