Conjugation of the verb connaître in French


To know
Connaître is a common irregular French verb. It uses avoir as its auxiliary. Here’s a table showing how to conjugate connaître in the past, future, and present tenses, and all moods.

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Ils ont connu le succès. They knew success.
Tu connaissais déjà la réponse. You already knew the answer.
Nous connaîtrons bientôt la vérité. We will soon know the truth.
Elle connaîtrait la ville. She would know the city.
Avez-vous connu mes parents? Did you know my parents?
Je connaîtrai la réponse demain. I will know the answer tomorrow.
Vous connaissiez ce quartier? Did you know this neighborhood?
Qu’il connaisse enfin la vérité! Let him finally know the truth!