Conjugation of the verb dire in French


To say, tell
Dire is a common irregular French verb. It uses avoir as its auxiliary. Here’s a table showing how to conjugate dire in the past, future, and present tenses, and all moods.

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Je dis toujours la vérité. I always tell the truth.
Il m’a dit hier soir. He told me last night.
Tu disais quoi, déjà? What were you saying again?
Nous dirons la vérité demain. We will tell the truth tomorrow.
Elle dirait oui, je crois. She would say yes, I think.
Il faut que tu dises tout. You must say everything.
Ils ont dit non, clairement. They clearly said no.
Je ne dirai rien. I won’t say anything.
Pourquoi dis-tu ça? Why are you saying that?
Je voulais te dire merci. I wanted to say thank you.